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About me

My Background.

My name is Johan Rylander. I’m 54 years old and live in Uppsala in Sweden. I was brought up in a home full of comfort, happiness, and harmony. My parents gave me an opportunity to go my own way. To explore life. I learned to practice different sports and also play the piano and blues harmonica. 


Thanks to my parent’s jobs I had the privilege to live in many different countries and continents. Having lived in the US, in France, and in Africa has given me the knowledge and valuable experience from different cultures, and have also learned several foreign languages.


Ending up in a destructive marriage as a victim of domestic abuse was a cruel contrast and I became a mere shadow of the man I once was. I lost my confidence and everything that was “me” was practically erased.


So, when I finally managed to leave my toxic environment, almost 4 years ago I was free but at the same time, I was completely lost and without direction. That’s when my Scandinavian ancestors, the Vikings, began to play an important role in my life.


By studying and following the mindset and ways of the Vikings, my lost confidence and inner strength came back. Step by step. Like my Scandinavian ancestors, when they for the first time sailed west to explore new territories not knowing what awaited them, I decided to “sail off” towards the unknown.


And after a long and tough Viking Journey I finally “reached shore” confident like a strong, powerful Viking King. Once again I was able to live my life and not just survive each day. Once again I was in the driver’s seat. Once again I had a clear direction in my life!


If you have just left a toxic relationship. If you are in search of your lost confidence but feel stuck, with no direction in your life……I’m here to show you that it is possible. Let me take you on a Viking Journey. Let’s explore your unknown future.


Yes, it WILL be scary!…. Yes, you WILL feel nervous and insecure! But…you owe it to yourself to take the leap! I did! I’m almost 55 years old but feel like my life has just begun!


Johan Rylander 

Your Viking Mindset Coach

Mission Statement:.

Based on the Noble Viking Laws and Virtues I offer a unique coaching experience designed to help male victims of domestic abuse create a Viking Mindset to conquer their lost confidence. But also to find a good and healthy balance between their masculine and feminine energies.                                               

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 As a Certified Public Speaker, I touch on many different aspects and consequences of domestic violence that aren’t spoken of. I speak about what we need to be aware of. About what is important after having left a toxic relationship. That domestic violence has no gender.

Get in Touch.


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457 BigBlue Street, NY 10013
(315) 5512-2579

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