
Arosha Jaiprem

"I am so motivated and have built up my inner strength again. In my rollercoaster life, I was at a point when I had to build up my personal power, my self-esteem, my trust, and my courage in order to move forward towards my purpose in life. I have had a brilliant coaching session with Johan Rylander who facilitated for me to take necessary steps towards my goal. His empowering belief in himself combined with his amazing coaching skills made me understand the root cause of my low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. Johan used an excellent healing technique and his calming voice helped me with the transition away from my negative limiting beliefs, which I have had within me since childhood, to a feeling of inner strength and power to take further steps towards my mission. Johan is a great coach whom I can recommend to anyone who needs help to build their inner strength and lost confidence. The world needs beautiful people like Johan!"

Steve Costello

"I recently enjoyed a coaching session with Johan. His style and delivery are relaxed and empathic and he has a wonderful way of reaching into the heart of what matters while enabling me to take complete responsibility for the process. While his questions appeared gentle, there was no doubt that his words carried a force strong enough to reach into the heart of the subject without making me feel ill at ease. Highly recommended!!!"

Mauro Silva

"One of the first things that really helped me was to be able to share my story. A story that I haven’t been able to share with anyone. A story that brought me embarrassment and shame, but I never felt that I was being judged when sharing it with Johan. I felt that there was someone that could understand me, relate to what I was saying and that made me feel like I am not crazy. It was really helpful when Johan also shared his own experiences and told me about other men that have been in my situation. This made me feel that I wasn’t alone. The next thing that was really helpful was the advice I received and how empowered and motivated I felt to take action and get out of that situation. The first action I took was to change the locks and keys of my house and ensure that I would be in a safe environment. A place where the person that was abusing would not be able to get in anymore. I never thought I would be able to do that but with Johan’s motivational speech and support I was able to take action."


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457 BigBlue Street, NY 10013
(315) 5512-2579

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